Wen jacuzzi moon party?
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 4 months, 13 days ago
@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 MM could do well, but they have people like Kelly that potentially caused multiple child deaths on the admin team. Its a failed project.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
TL is creating a bullish narrative on BTC to continue distributing his bags. For the "millionth" time, $MM is in distribution, not accumulation. If you buy now, you will probably be seeing lower prices in the short to medium term. Be careful.
TL has blocked me, which either means I'm on to something. Or I'm just an asshole.
But probably both. Because if I'm on to something, that automatically makes me an asshole for MM bagholders.
People don't like to hear the truth.
I'm bullish on MM long-term. Bearish short to medium-term. Exit pumps do not count as bullish.

Guilty until proven innocent. That's how crypto works. Crypto is still dystopia, not yet utopia.
Innocent until proven guilty is for utopia. Someday crypto will be utopia. But not today.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 4 months, 26 days ago
Hey TL. With all the respect to your technical skills you are just american pussy - no Japaneese(excluded). Japan ancestors would probably cut of your head if they were alive. Just disgusting american pussy. We europeans want him(Zelenski) to lead this shithole beeing called Earth. You`re just tech not the lead now. Stop using nick Sifu you pale pussy.
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What is the usecase for million token ? i think is all a joke , a crypto for millionaire that sell energy drink and coffee , rap songs REALLY ? 3 merch stores with differents logo. Nfts from Vesper but even him dont believe in Million anymore. Defipro only profitable for Techlead because i cant see how its profitable directly or indirectly for Million Token. And please dont tell me Million Is so young , it will moon , it need to take time . I think all is BS . And by the way , its supposed to be what ? a social token ? , but Million Community is the most divided crypto community with a very bad leader . Some will say , no its a meme coin, but i only see faceapp video with techlead on or astronaut lion made by a poor designer ? Where all these supposed memes for this coin ? I think TL launched this coin just for using the liquidity pool on uniswap, because of these high returns. Metafora usecase ? profitable for who ? i only see Million Hodler shilling and fighting the coin. Please somebody , explain me
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
@0x2c68ae0499c3a811ae1ed23212474bcac722102a I actually agree with you. I believe this token has potential but you’re right. Especially about the multi logo across multiple platforms I mentioned this a while back but unfortunately this community doesn’t understand the importances of continuity.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago

The community @Reprobus2
@NFTDailyNews @CryptoGeezer
is mostly a bunch of tech nerds / devs / web devs / data analysts
/ people in tech that worship TL for his technical abilities. Because they see the world from a technical point of view, they see TL and anything that he makes as being perfect, flawless.
Many of the community members are not business savvy, nor do they understand the MM chart or on-chain analysis of MM, which clearly shows that the situation is not good.

A lot of them have taken their principle out or are early investors, so they continue to get in at low prices and sell the rips, meanwhile shilling it to generate trade volume, so that they can make some money from liquidity mining.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago


They might have at some point watched his dev videos and liked him. So they think that there's something fundamentally good about the token and that TL will deliver his promise of "going to the moon".

I personally sold half my bag at a pretty loss. Kept the other half just in case, so I don't have any regrets, but the smart thing to do would also be to sell it and invest that money in cryptos that are much more likely to grow.

I've repeatedly been saying that if the token is not dead, it needs AT LEAST 6 to 12 months to moon, and at this rate, I think it would need 2 years, if not more to consolidate for some time and for there to be a supply shock.

But I got muted / banned from the MM telegram because this is the community. A group of loser sycophants whose meaning and purpose in life comes from this token.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
@electronicknock bro you say it all ...but they are blind and deaf ...they will never understand your point.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago

Yup. It's their money and their life though. They're free to do whatever they want.
The best investors admit their mistakes.
I had a lot of multimillion friends who I told to buy MM when it was in the low twenties and teens, but now I admit my mistake that they were right and I was wrong.

There's a reason why people with big money didn't put their money in MM.
I just hope to remember my lesson.

Namely: Don't buy the top (I got in at ~$3, but got greedy and bought a whole lot more at $150), and don't catch a falling knife. Wait for confirmation.

Catching a falling knife = death by a thousand cuts
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
God bless you man. You're one of the few non toxic people in the MM community.

Just a shame that you've been telling people to DCA all the way down like this. It's dangerous to catch a falling knife and telling people to catch a falling knife is not responsible.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago

Just because you bought something for higher doesn't mean it was "worth" that much bro.

Diamonds are "worth" nothing, but people pay top dollar for them. But you can't resell them at the same price.

Just "bear" in mind the bearish scenario, which is you bought at a higher price that might never ever be seen again. That is a scenario that I have come to admit. Again, I dumped half my bag for a big loss and have no regrets so far.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago

Your argument is based on absolute certainty that the price will be worth $1000

You don't know if that will ever happen. It's dangerous to act with such a deterministic mindset when it comes to money. The other thing is opportunity cost. Even if it does hit $1000, say in 2025 or 2026. You don't know when. I'm sure that there are tons of other investments where you could potentially let your money work for you in the meantime.
The smart thing to do would be to buy back when the trend has reversed. Also depends on how much money you have as well and can keep affording to average down.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
@BankHead looks like you and @NFTDailyNews bought some of my bags lol
I sold 550 tokens last week^^ no regrets, despite losing a lot of money
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
@NFTDailyNews oh I guess I have to say this. "Not financial advice". This token can go to $1.00.
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
Where is kelly with her 100 metafora account ....she s yhe one that make more fake holders....she think she s a stratégic girl hahahah
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
Like the way MM squeezes harder and harder, keep accumulating.

No room for weak hand and drama

Be a Lion
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months ago
0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
@NFTDailyNews Awesome, you’ll be a great addition to this new Telegram group
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0x256...5673 liked 2 years, 5 months, 1 day ago
The fact that the new TL video wasn’t posted here says a lot about metafora. 😂😂😂 all that complaints.

“We need dark mode”

“We need to change the logo”

I’m sorry but as a community we are weak 😂 metafora should be booming as a uncensored media platform 😂
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A project of Million Token. FAQ