Hey if there are any Trading212 users in this community check out the API I wrote in python. I would appreciate some feedback
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Hello everyone 🤗 are we all ready for a great year
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what’s happened to techlead
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TL should start burning Million.
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@0xbb3dbb93314786c93bc7a20282e0a268f090076a i feel like it would have a negative impact on the price
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Million Token is by far the riskiest asset I have on my portfolio.
Where else are you going find a token that is currently 2x from its release with liquidity?
Any other Microcap you find has already pumped from 0 with next to no liquidity.
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@0x041b8cb7ad408b233b099c85dfb7f7d0cfe8218b i agree the community definitely pushed people away it was so toxic. i honestly lost track of all the nonsense the last thing i remember was cat-women or girl getting ousted.
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hello 👋 my fellow lions 🦁
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we need to make metafora and million token work. honestly it great to see that we haven’t let it fall below 1$ mark
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how’s everything
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one thing i have to say is that $ floor seems solid. 👌🏽
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glad to see we are still alive.
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so who's taking the rein now techlead has stepped down.
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Hello world.

What makes this app special? Can posts be deleted or edited? Can people be shadow banned?
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lets build this bad boy up guys.
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This is a pretty awsome app useing crypto wallets to register accounts instead of useing email and passwords Auth and we can't forget the web 3.0 tech so well done for building this is a cool app @techleadhd Also hello everyboady.
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@0x8592550a55d43b70e66a02e3654cc7f9bc9ff4fd I’m sure we all love it. Just wish we could get push notifications.
Reply 1 Link Does anyone else feel like this is the beginning of the end of the dollar as the global currency.
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Elon Musk is thinking about making a twitter competitor. I think it is a very important development that we all need as free speech and hate speech are being threatened big time. But I of course will have to reiterate that if one cannot say mean words on a social media website then it is by no means "free speech". Lets all hope that whatever becomes popular in the 2030s allows for public use of the words faggot, nigger, etc. not because everyone should use them. but because they're 'the great filter' of censorship. if you ban one word, you have shown you will ban them all. look at there is no end to their word banning with words like "simp" and "virgin" being banned. it's classic propaganda to ban any word. you're trying to restrict the way people think and express themselves. which as Elon Musk says, is antithetical to what a democracy is all about.
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@i I feel a lot of people miss understand the meaning of free speech. You are free to say what you want on social media. Everyone has free speech it’s just how much punishment you receive for going against the status quo and that’s been the case forever.
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@0xc3dcdb73ae2511207db06dd1ecf4d990fbd8f5d8 > Freedom of speech, also called free speech, means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the “government.” <
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@0xc3dcdb73ae2511207db06dd1ecf4d990fbd8f5d8 But just out of interest what do you feel you can’t say “on social media sites”
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