

Mad props to @MM-Matt who created this video about a crypto influencer with about 68k followers. I did a video on @KrissKrypto wtf he's on #metafora. Welcome, @KrissKrypto I've been watching you since the old day upshod.
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Even though the new #metafora logo looks like a tractor I must say it's growing on me.
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hearts   ·   3 years, 6 days ago  
Giving away 500 Hearts to every Metafora account who likes, follows, and comments!

Hearts can be used to bid in the live NFT Art Auction coming up on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7 pm US Central at

This promotion lasts only for 24 hours and will end at NOON (12pm US Central time) on Thursday.

The 500 Hearts is in addition to the 500 bonus hearts you will receive for creating a new account.

See you at the auction tomorrow and make sure to check out our metaverse at

- Misol & Astro
Reply 166 Link
#metafora users ❤️ @hearts art
Nice to see you guys back!!
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Is it freezing outside in beautiful Boston, but my confidence is sky high. Have a great evening.
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@TL can you build a gauge or doughnut chart powered by AI that will scan thru @TimeTraveler comments on #metafora to give the end-user an idea of how full of shit he was at the time he posted. Thanks!

Actually, you might be able to get away posting static images since he's full shit 100% of the time.
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Is it me or is there a lot more people posting on #metafora?
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No passwords
No usernames
Join simply by connecting your blockchain wallets to #Web3 social platform. #Metafora

No Token yet Possible Airdrop?💰💰💰💰😍
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Good morning the good people of #metafora 🌅
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#metafora fam,

I'm noticing older twitter accounts talk about #milliontoken. For the longest time i would see accotnts created on same month or very recently talking about #milliontoken. I'm the first to admin i created my cryptobackstage twitter in september and for those og's remember millionsoldier which I have deactivated. So, when you start seeing accounts from 2010 mentioning milliontoken you know we are slowly and surely earning recognition. Just some quick thoughts i had.
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Our friend Joma wants to look into Crypto as part of his 2022 plan to become a film director one day. The MillionToken community and TechLead as a friend of his, we can display that the tokenomics for MillionToken is unlike any other token out there. Give a comment to Joma if you like as a collab with Joma + TechLead for crypto would be very good for the Million Token community
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I guess you're playing the devil's advocate

Considering #MetaFora has only been live for a month or two and Joma already has an account, suggests (to me) that Joma and TL are indeed still friends

Just because we haven't seen public interaction between them both recently doesn't mean they're no longer friends, lol
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@JamesHuckle nice to see you on #metafora. Happy new year!
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After this, it can be a replacement for twitter #web3 #metafora
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Thanks @NFTDailyNews for the overwhelming quality content. I've always wondered about bridges like $AVAX and the HODLERS there. I think TL setup the infrastructure after realizing very quickly after launching #milliontoken that #eth has some big problems that prevent you doing anything without paying exorbitant fees to transact on eth. We may not be seeing these users but sometime this year or next they will pay off. Thanks for all your hard work again!

#metafora fam Please subcribe to NFT Daily News!
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level-up to web 3.0 social networking in 2022 with #metafora
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@TimeTraveler I don't know if anything is going to happen with the launchpad but #metafora might actually help make that happen or launch the launchpad..haha cause at the end of the day we want people to buy and hodl milliontoken in order to promote their token, nft's, other digital assets. I'm done guessing what TL is going to do next. I'm just spectator now
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A project of Million Token. FAQ