@AodaiVietnamNFT yeah I did, didn’t want to be involved in that Non stop lol, but yeah, if this is me making this project I’m making at least one you tube video a week talking about direction, and maybe even replying to some peoples @ me’s. Cryptos to competitive a space for a solo developer that seems like he’s only in this for himself and not the community. I’ll stick with Shib, bone, leash mainly. They are trying to grow.
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@NFTDailyNews check out leash bro. Going to need leash tokens for NFT’s in Shiba Inu’s metaverse. That might be being built by activision, which was acquired by Microsoft. And icing on the cake. Probably only 60k supply not time locked or burned from the initial 107k. Oh and this and bone token (needed for shibarium blockchain) might both be getting listed on coinbase on Valentine’s Day. Don’t want to count my chickens before they hatch, but if anyones in Peurto Rico, do you have a place I can rent for 6 months :)
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Ok, so I do t quite understand the relationship between misol and tl and whoever else. Does anyone contribute to either metafora or the road map besides tech lead? If we want to really compete then there’s going to need to be more people involved in this project IMO Maybe now that FB is selling off there will be others looking for something new to do.
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Doubled my money on shibaverse in a week, and sickest part is, it still only has a 25 million market cap. But since it looks like Shiba Inu Twitter page gave a shout out to it, which means they probably gonna partner with each other. Best opportunity out there. Mana will bow to it. 100x potential play. IMO best opportunity at the moment.
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Bone and leash up along with Shiba inu today based on shibarium L2 getting closer to being completed. Shibarium and their potential woof verse is why I’m in those tokens. Then shibaverse is a cool project that looks better than anything meta related I’ve seen. It also plans on using EVM’s for ethereum based transactions. Other than that XRP for the bounce we know is coming, and MM to support tech leads hard work. We appreciate it tech lead! I honestly think shibaverse will be better than woof verse, but I can see shiba Inu’s stuff shooting up even if it’s crap. I could be wrong, but I think shibaverse is going to be the winner. Shiba inu imo goofs it up too much. Too many tokens, and partnership with Wellys… I think shibaverse needs some love.
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Ok, so shibaverse is not part of the Shiba Inu Ryoshi project, but I just read the whole white paper, and bought a lot of tokens, and am already up 60 percent in a few days. The white paper mentioned EVM’s, which is why I liked TLOS and more well known avax. EVM’s IMO will have to be ethereums solution to the defi problems. Idk fam, but shibaverse could be our community owned metaverse, and maybe we could tie MM into it?
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So I came across another token I just had to have in my wallet. And my decision was to spend 2k cash or sell my million off. Well, decided to hold the million. So with that said, I’m already up 50 percent in the other token after a few days. Only the beginning for Shibaverse!!!

Wallet is now:
Bone, Leash, Shibaverse, Shiba Inu, MM, XRP TLOS.

One of them got to get me up biig
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@NFTDailyNews TLOS is EVM’s like avax, but super small market cap. And bone, leash, verse are all going to be used in Shiba Inu’s eco system for different things. My gas fees have already been recouped on them. Basically all of my coins have huge upside potential for more than a pump or two.
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@NFTDailyNews good job. I left a comment on the video, but basically wrong bone, and bone will be needed for their shibarium blockchain, and shibaverse you should check out the walk through that just launched. I buy all of these on Shiba swap too. Peace
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What will be TL's next move? I think defiPro will keep him busy. I think he can build more on defiPro but honestly I don't know what his next move is going to be.
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@CryptoGeezer I’ve also mentioned to open up the code and let everyone contribute. Web 3 for us by us, but we will see I guess. I just know it wouldn’t be hard for any company to outperform one developer wearing every hat.
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Sex   ·   3 years, 19 days ago  
Never selling bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MM forever
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@Sex I want to buy more, but it’s a pain. I have to learn how to use MetaMask + poly
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MM and leash are my only two tokens holding up the last few months. It’s the scarcity. When Shib sells off, there’s too many coins. Leash is the real value of the Shib ecosystem imo. If it were to get down to a few hundred bucks I could buy a bunch of them. And then one day be happy I did :) same thing with mm I keep adding.
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@Kolio sorry man, but you are not alone
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Metafora if code is open sourced could be modified by every coder on the planet, all changes voted on by the Million token Coin holders. And code reviewed and approved by tech lead or whoever. This idea is inline with web 3, and we could get so much more accomplished. We could have an exchange, games, dating, marketplace, whatever all done quicker. This could take down fb and Twitter. Social media by people for people. Million token would be viewed as ownership in the company like a stock would be. Staking is a dividend.
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@Cam_271 I went to submit this proposal officially, but it said I must have 1k coins. While the path we are on is cool, I think we have to set it free and be the first open sourced social media company, like Linux is for OS. TL is Linus Trovalds. Invite the world to contribute! Fb amd Twitter are Apple and windows, but we are open source web 3.

Fuse million token and metafora in a way that doesn’t require ppl to have to be coin holders to get perks. Just treat the coin as a stake in revenues. Maybe even make a metafora coin as a purchasing currency on here. We could make our own shib like eco system. Create a coin market cap, etc etc. this is the crypto hub, and also, a trillion dollar project, that sends one coin to a price of 1 billion each.
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@RomanistHere tech lead will never have time to play video games if he doesn’t get more help. We could be the crypto hub, not just a social media site. Community suggests features and we code it up. A super interactive constantly evolving social media site/exchange/eco system, whatever comes about. But the revenues are stored in million token. We take all of the speculative crap out of crypto and give this token real value. Million token=stock, another token purchases items for sale on here, like a shib token or something. Maybe we make a defi exchange. Possibilities are endless.
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@RomanistHere I get that, but I don’t think tl is worried about people saying his code is wrong, and maybe he has a plan we don’t know about. But my personal belief with crypto is one day every company will have their own coin, and investors and the companies will co mingle revenues, and ppl will vote on spending.
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Eddy   ·   3 years, 23 days ago  
I see the new logo, I don't like the fact that people always try to rebrand what TL does, but hey, at least I'm glad the gov system works so no regrets.
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I still wouldn’t know it was a man with a chat bubble next to him if the community didn’t say what it was. But once I saw it it made it better. And I appreciate the artists, and community. plus it being a man isn’t female inclusive in 2022.
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beans   ·   3 years, 24 days ago  
hello metafora
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A project of Million Token. FAQ