@NFTDailyNews good and you?
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@NFTDailyNews Good man. Your Million Token videos are epic - thanks.
Question for you related to your Million Token staking experience on QuickSwap - what is the correct way to calculate APY based off of the MM-USDC and dragon syrup staking options on QuickSwap? The legacy finance APY calculators online will not be accurate. Perhaps some content for your next video? Thanks.
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@beans I agree. They are not accurate. And APYs tend to fluctuate based on many factors. I use the unpaid version of https://app.apy.vision/ to find out my returns. I will try my best to make a video on this which means I will have to unlock the full version of apy.vision. I'd say as of right now I am averaging about 150-200% APY from the pool which is still pretty good. Clearly it is still much better than what the bank pays out by magnitude. 😂
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@NFTDailyNews Thanks. I can't seem to find MM on the free site. Or did you mean that you use this resource in general for different LP pairings? A tutorial on the free version of the site would be great if possible. Cheers.
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@NFTDailyNews Ah ok. Still not very clear to me, but will keep digging around. Before moving into LPs, I'm looking for a simple calculator to plug in a USD value and have an approximate return based on the current MM/USDC APYs (mindful of it fluctuating over time as the pool grows) .
I suppose I can just experiment with a small amount and observe ;).
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@beans It can take a while to understand as it did for me. If the current APY is 150%, then you know what your return will be.
The hard part is the price will fluctuate and the APY. The pool has been returning more than 100% APY still which is pretty good. That is fees and the rewards from staking your LP tokens. The fees you gain and rewards are there to also offset the impermanent loss. The reward is dquick tokens which can be claimed anytime and converted to xyz token including usdc. The fees accumulate within the pool until you exit. It is best to track the returns with a spreadsheet. Every x-day of the week, I claim the rewards to buy more MM tokens so I can track consistency and "actual" return. Goal on my end is to get more MM tokens. But you can use the rewards on any token. Take your time though until it makes sense. It didn't make sense for me until I started and setup a system of consistency.
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@NFTDailyNews Most new people forget that once you add liquidity, you can also stake your LP tokens to earn the rewards.
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