Metafora if code is open sourced could be modified by every coder on the planet, all changes voted on by the Million token Coin holders. And code reviewed and approved by tech lead or whoever. This idea is inline with web 3, and we could get so much more accomplished. We could have an exchange, games, dating, marketplace, whatever all done quicker. This could take down fb and Twitter. Social media by people for people. Million token would be viewed as ownership in the company like a stock would be. Staking is a dividend.
Reply 11 Link
@Cam_271 I went to submit this proposal officially, but it said I must have 1k coins. While the path we are on is cool, I think we have to set it free and be the first open sourced social media company, like Linux is for OS. TL is Linus Trovalds. Invite the world to contribute! Fb amd Twitter are Apple and windows, but we are open source web 3.

Fuse million token and metafora in a way that doesn’t require ppl to have to be coin holders to get perks. Just treat the coin as a stake in revenues. Maybe even make a metafora coin as a purchasing currency on here. We could make our own shib like eco system. Create a coin market cap, etc etc. this is the crypto hub, and also, a trillion dollar project, that sends one coin to a price of 1 billion each.
Reply 2
A project of Million Token. FAQ