
Next support at $4, then from there $3s and then $1s, and we consolidate there for a while.
Maybe V-shaped recovery if the whales and TL have reabsorbed enough supply.
Reply 2 Link
$4 soon FRENS ;)
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Kolio   ·   3 years, 7 days ago  

i see what you're doing now. a little bit of USDC on the sidelines and fudding for a lower entry. no cajones to buy atm? you're the worst kind of fren... the coward / traitor:
Reply 3 Link
Guys pls do correct me if I am wrong. Patrick Shyu works just himself and only ? No team, single aparments, no employees, no cooperations and no nothing? Yet he just left himself 30% and given 20% to the swaps and 50 to community?
Is that possible any burn might happen some stage in the future? Where is whitepaper if any ? ....and he wants to Surpass gold to become the reserve currency ? I don`t understand how`s that all at all possible. But if delivers eventually 10% of that - can anybody imagine what it`s going to cause ? In the worst case Gates couple is gonna have to be cleaning his shoes. At which point am I wrong ?
Reply 7 Link

you're too funny! i definitely need to give this a like. amazing research!
Reply 4 Link

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