Flock   ·   2 years, 29 days ago  
Does anyone know why babydoge eth is a different price to bsc and if this price difference can be exploited.
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Flock   ·   2 years, 29 days ago  
@0xc3dcdb73ae2511207db06dd1ecf4d990fbd8f5d8 Ok clearly you don’t know what you are talking about. It’s call arbitrage. I would love to hear your response.
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Flock   ·   2 years, 29 days ago  
@NextGenCrypto thank you 😊 someone that actually understood what I was talking about. The only issue is the price difference is quite huge and I was wondering if it was just two separate coins.
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Flock   ·   2 years, 29 days ago  
@0xc3dcdb73ae2511207db06dd1ecf4d990fbd8f5d8 🤨 wow you are clearly a moron who doesn’t understand the slightest thing about how the world works. An individual who has taken such a huge interest into something he is calling a scam but yet doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to actually voice his opinion.

Let’s just say EVERYTHING IS A SCAM. The fact that the government can pay a family member or buddy an over inflated price for simple task with tax money is a SCAM.

Actually the fact that most governments print money is a SCAM.

And clearly the fact that we buy resources from underdeveloped countries and hike up the price in the west is a SCAM.

Life is one big scam.

So please tell me what isn’t a SCAM.

The stock market 🤨 a place where you own a part of a business on paper put if it’s sold you could get nothing.

So Please tell me how I’m planning to scam people you twat.
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Flock   ·   2 years, 1 month ago  
How’s the Metafora community doing.
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Is #MM going to be available in #Crypto.Com?
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Hey cryptofam!
Let me lay out my new conspiracy theory here. I think many of you were surprised by the strange behavior of TL regarding the Ukrainian crisis and the war that Russia started. He literally repeated the arguments of the Kremlin propaganda. Strange, T.L. - a smart guy, I don’t believe, could trust this Putin’s imperial bullshit. Previously, he was not noticed in political discussions on his channel. So what happened?
You know, Russian money is now confiscated all over the world. Yahoo has valued up to half a trillion dollars (including citizens' money). And you know, the Russians are desperate to convert them to crypto (Coinbase just blocked 25,000 crypto wallets linked to Russian users).
My theory is that TL was sending the message: "hey, we are a friendly pro-Russian token, fully decentralized, buy us!"
And, probably, if the war was fast and with minimal losses, it could work. But now, after this blood and war crimes, he realized that it would end very badly for him, so he just stopped
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@Romua yah not sure it was that clever. Apparently Russia has been heavily investing in gold plus they’ve currently got China 🇨🇳.
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So how can we add value to the million community.
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What’s the best platform to create nfts.
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What is the usecase for million token ? i think is all a joke , a crypto for millionaire that sell energy drink and coffee , rap songs REALLY ? 3 merch stores with differents logo. Nfts from Vesper but even him dont believe in Million anymore. Defipro only profitable for Techlead because i cant see how its profitable directly or indirectly for Million Token. And please dont tell me Million Is so young , it will moon , it need to take time . I think all is BS . And by the way , its supposed to be what ? a social token ? , but Million Community is the most divided crypto community with a very bad leader . Some will say , no its a meme coin, but i only see faceapp video with techlead on or astronaut lion made by a poor designer ? Where all these supposed memes for this coin ? I think TL launched this coin just for using the liquidity pool on uniswap, because of these high returns. Metafora usecase ? profitable for who ? i only see Million Hodler shilling and fighting the coin. Please somebody , explain me
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@0x2c68ae0499c3a811ae1ed23212474bcac722102a I actually agree with you. I believe this token has potential but you’re right. Especially about the multi logo across multiple platforms I mentioned this a while back but unfortunately this community doesn’t understand the importances of continuity.
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@0x2c68ae0499c3a811ae1ed23212474bcac722102a As for use case I think the community needs to understand that we are all working together all crypto tokens and projects and be more inviting to other projects and ideas.

I though possibly metafora could have been a use case for example once it had a huge amount of users big corporations could advertise on this platform by buying million token which got distributed to people who interacted with there content.

For example if a company bought 10mm and each watch or click paid 0.00001mm

That could encourage people to use the platform because it pays and a corporation get 1million views per mm token.

And corporations buying MM and holding on this platform would add value to the token.
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@BankHead unfortunately it won’t happen TL lost passion for this project. ☹️ But I’m learning to code so maybe I can build a fully decentralised social platform. 😅
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@electronicknock this is more of a challenge for me. Trying to learn coding.
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The fact that the new TL video wasn’t posted here says a lot about metafora. 😂😂😂 all that complaints.

“We need dark mode”

“We need to change the logo”

I’m sorry but as a community we are weak 😂 metafora should be booming as a uncensored media platform 😂
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@electronicknock uncensored is freedom. I think a platform that is uncensored is a huge opportunity and maybe in the future we could have a dislike button that could be used as a governance button. So unlike other platforms where dislikes get you more traffic with equals more revenue. It could act as a blocking feature.

For example if your likes to dislikes ratio is low less and less people see your content.
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@0xc3dcdb73ae2511207db06dd1ecf4d990fbd8f5d8 I’ve seen a couple porn links. But you’re probably right but I guess some censorship is required to allow metafora to grow
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So who actually agrees with TL views on the invasion of Ukraine.
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The response that I got from my last post gives me abit of hope for metafora. The fact that multiple people responded mean there are people that want this to work.

Especially considering you have to actively check metafora for new content.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ