Elon Musk is thinking about making a twitter competitor. I think it is a very important development that we all need as free speech and hate speech are being threatened big time. But I of course will have to reiterate that if one cannot say mean words on a social media website then it is by no means "free speech". Lets all hope that whatever becomes popular in the 2030s allows for public use of the words faggot, nigger, etc. not because everyone should use them. but because they're 'the great filter' of censorship. if you ban one word, you have shown you will ban them all. look at there is no end to their word banning with words like "simp" and "virgin" being banned. it's classic propaganda to ban any word. you're trying to restrict the way people think and express themselves. which as Elon Musk says, is antithetical to what a democracy is all about.
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i   ·   2 years, 9 months ago  
today is the day to load up on MM
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Prices as of this post:

Million (MM)

Million (MM)

Million Price (MM)
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to be clear: alts are always riskier than BTC & ETH. But they are even more risky than normal rn because BTC confidence is so low. Once BTC gets back above that threshold i assume alts will start performing better than they are rn.
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i still think altcoins can take a hit if BTC starts to bleed even a small bit. i wouldn't expect altcoin confidence to come back for another week or two. sure, they are green right now but it's likely that if we see a 2% bleed by BTC that alts would bleed 5%+. i think once BTC gets over 53k that changes. until then, alts are a tad more risky than BTC or ETH.
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at this point even permabears are saying we are going to trend back up. tech stocks (which have been more correlated with crypto than i would ever like them to be) are also trending back up after the omicron/fed tapering scare. generally looks like clear skies ahead. there are a few more barriers for BTC to cross before we can get too euphoric, but in general i am pretty confident that the market will recover soundly.
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been a stressful last couple of days. finally i can think and sleep now that prices are going back up. took on a lot of leverage near the bottom. lets hope it pays and we don't go back down.
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market looks like it wants to improve. hopefully we trend higher from here
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looks like the market does not want to move up with ease. for some reason BTC is still under 50k despite us maintaining the 47k support for almost a day straight now. what we really want to do is get back above 52k on the weekly close which happens in less than 24 hours. if we can do that, we are off to the races. if we close below it, i still think we are fine but its just not as bullish. the fear in the market right now is not making a lot of sense to anybody. seems out of place.
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i literally cannot sleep because of this market crash
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the last few hours have been quite mild on the market since we tested the support line. seems like the bulls and the bears are at war right now. we will just have to wait it out and see how long it takes the bulls to win.
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just saying i would not be surprised if the bleeding stopped from here. worst case is we hover around the low 52k/high 51k region for the weekend. best case is we just go back up to 60k over the next few days from here. just my analysis. i think we held the line we needed to.
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we just tested the 51.9k support line for BTC and bounced off it. there is now no reason we cannot fly from here. not saying we wont go back down but now the odds are less than before.
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yes, ADA will recover. ADA is probably the most undervalued crypto in the top 20 along with LINK. ADA has had some problems with smart contracts. They promised smart contracts a long time ago and they still do not have them up and working. ADA is also just now looking into using rollups, which #ETH & #MATIC are already working on.

ADA will eventually get out of this rut, likely some time in the next 3 months. And the current prices will be considered probably near the bottom for the project.
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coins in the top 20 that are holding up pretty well despite this most recent pullback:

coins that are getting a pretty standard pullback:

coins that are getting hammered:
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decent dip with BTC & ETH
BTC = $53,900
ETH = $4,225

We are looking to hold the 51.9k region for BTC. Lets see if we can (or if we will even test it).
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there has been proof of bots with human profile pictures on twitter mass replying to politicians to yet again push a narrative. they will have 100s of accounts that look like real people all responding to a Joe Biden tweet or a Donald Trump tweet with negative or positive feedback. all posting the same tweet word for word. "this is such a great policy!" or "this is a threat to our democracy".

in the end they're not even real people though. they're just there to make it seem like real people think that wa
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one thing i should say is i think all sites need certain "rules" (not really rules in the traditional sense) to ensure the functionality of the site.

protection against spam and bots are the main one (which bots are now over 50%+ of all internet traffic, making us a minority here). counters against spam should be written in the code itself. there is no place for a "team of moderators" on a web3 site like this. subjective moderation is not very web3 like. the code should moderate all.
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