@0x7f9b372d6ea412e0d1de0fe960e287348bba8acb The easiest way is to buy avax on coinbase. Then set up avax network on MetaMask. Then send from coinbase to MetaMask and swap avax for MillionToken with trader Joe.
It is on like 7 or 8 blockchains, join our TG and checkout milliontoken.org for more information
Metafore Improvement Proposal - 001
-------------------- Micro Tipping Feature -------------------- 1. Any user can post content with or without ID 2. Any user who has staked a minimum of 100 MM can start microtipping. 3. 1 microtip = 1/100 of an MM Token 4. Any post you can tip any number of microtips. For some post u can send 1 microtip. For other posts you can send 10 microtips if you like it more. 5. When you microtip a post its relevance will increase. And 10 other people microtip the same post, then you earn 10% of the total microtip revenue of the post for ever. The first 10 others to Microtip the same post will earn 2.5% each. 15% of the total microtips will go to the metafora foundation for marketing etc. 50% of all the microtips will be reflected in the account of the original poster. The microtips will be only reflected in the account and can be withdrawed occasionally as and when the user can pay the gas fees. otherwise it is settled when the MM is unstaked. Continued in comments.
@cryptofolyo This is a novel and interesting idea, thanks for sharing! Obviously, there are pain points such as people being priced out of accessing important articles; however, building better incentive structures around the consumption and sharing of content is probably a trillion-dollar problem.
@cryptofolyo it's gonna a lot of time to implement for techlead solo
@cryptofolyo I have to say I like this idea. It's a completely new way of trying to improve the quality of posts and engage with MM holders. I guess it would be tricky to code but I think we have someone who's quite good at that kind of thing!
What do you guys think about this PLAY TO EARN game??? I think I'm going to invest some money here:
https://bombcrypto.io Opinions?
@TL was right about Fantom! https://twitter.com/MToken888/status/1485247789475176451
@0xe6eeaf017fde806c78929b07b6bec670cc7c9149 'A vision is like a dream - it will disappear unless we do something with it. Do something big or do something small. But stop wondering and go on an adventure.'
Join as MillionCorp Pilot !!
Unit testing is a cross between interrogation and introspection. It's like when your wife/gf asks you loads of questions about the girl you were talking to last night, most of them stupid edge cases, and you have to come up with decent answers (tests). Shortly afterward you begin to introspect about future "other girl" interrogations and how you can defend against them and have answers ready, perhaps it even means changing your behavior to reduce certain risks (main code edit). Upon mounting a successful defense, perhaps you even being to wonder about who you are as a person and start imagining about all of the "what ifs", what if I did cheat, what if she said we kissed and we didn't, what if I do actually like her. haha (either bin the unit test as it's too exposing, or scrap the project in search of something shinier)
There is still MM being swapped on Polygon right at this moment. So whatever is wrong is not affecting everyone. Have you tried to just increase the gas?
@NFTDailyNews my bad for the late response. Glad you figured it out. You can do the same on Trader Joe if you buy with Avax.
@cryptofolyo big facts
It’s quite comedic that it isn’t price that leads to an impasse in a crypto community. We’ve reached a fork in the road, a metaphoric decision of whether to die or succeed. Success would mean to shed ourselves of our doubts and fears. Metamorphosis for a meta world. A metaverse.
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