Relax folks, read a book, here's the latest that drew my attention:
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Luck - the harder you work the more you seem to have it. Stay safe my friends 馃挭
Reply 4 Link Common Sense is not so common anymore.
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I should probably get some MMs. My username is boring ;-)
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@0x6e8c98c79faea1ec166f02fe42d73097494728c2 Wouldn't it be cool if @TL made access to that free for MM token holders? 馃
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@0xe6eeaf017fde806c78929b07b6bec670cc7c9149 I'm following Gary V, and gotta admit that he seems to do it right when it comes to community building. Curious to hear what folks here gotta say about that?
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I may have missed it - does this community have a discord channel?
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@Reprobus2 Thanks 馃憤

I'm curious about the preference, care to share?
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How does the MM token plan to fight against any possible pump and dump tactic from the top (current) hodlers? Or is this just something that's given in the community at large?
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@DarthVader Oh, for sure - I'm not pretending it is. I just thought that TeamLead may have an idea of how to evade this.

Speaking of which - wouldn't it be great if he starts doing similar things like Gary V with NFTs where every MM token holder would get access to (for ex) a conference put together by him. That could be cool.
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Where can I see how many (of 1M) tokens have their holders? I found here that there are a total of ~12k holders.
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@MFS Thanks. OK, but out of those 20k holders, how many tokens do the hold in total (out of 1M that are supposedly in circulation)?
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@CryptoGeezer Agreed. But I'm not sure I got my answer - so, would appreciate the point in the right direction of which chart to look at. Thanks!
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@MM-Matt Thanks 馃憤
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@MM-Matt Thanks 馃憤
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MATIC withdrawal on Binance is enabled again. MM here we go 馃檪
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Dear crypto, I'm back to sports betting. There I can at least see and yell at the culprits 馃檪 I joke I joke, here's the full post:
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Since Binance is not allowing me to withdraw MATIC to MetaMask, what other options do I have?
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@Tim_MM_Hodler seems to be on a grander scale, I get this message on Binance:

> BNB,MATIC network withdrawal suspended. Withdrawals can be processed through alternative networks. Subscribe to network recovery reminders to receive updates.

Seems like others experienced similar things rather often (
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