let's test this 1$ wall
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turpija   ·   3 years ago  
BTC has a real chance to hit $100k this year !
As real as almost inevitable !

2020 was a big printing year, almost 40% of $ in circulation was created then
2022 Russia is a real good excuse to slowly pour that money down and deepen the inflation = crash the $ value at half
BTC will be accepted by Russia, and tip it over that ... soo $100k is close

the million dollar question remains ... what would million token do in that scenario ?
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I'm pretty close to being a whale guys! I just loaded up some more milliontoken. Do you know what the most bullish thing about milliontoken is? The founder is pretty much hands-off as it should be. The community is in full control over how they promote and the use cases around milliontoken. The main use case is and has always been the one million fixed supply! With inflation spreading like fire thru out the west and sanctioned countries people are going to be looking for alternatives to project the value of their money if not grow it. Bitcoin imo is too saturated not to mention the price might not be as attractive for people looking to buy more than one token. Right now you can literally buy 1mm for under 10$.

Picking a good investment isn't about buying it when everyone is talking about it's buying it when your gut feeling tells you not to buy it.
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@CryptoBackstage what is whale entry number ? 1000 ?
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waking up reading about Ukraine.
difficult to think about anything else
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@dolphin what's about Ukraine ?
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@dolphin a traditional one ? with guns and stuff ? not this psychological with fake flu ?
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beans   ·   3 years, 16 days ago  
Gobble gobble. DCAing #MillionToken. Quest for a 1k bag.
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@beans 1k is a nice round number, if it get's to a $1000/MM, well sir, congrats, we have a millionaire ... but a trick question is, how could you stop yourself from selling your bag at $570/MM ?
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i bought MM at $208, still hodling.
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@CryptoGeezer either way, it will be great story for your grandchildren
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@dolphin did my part ;)
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PHOZE   ·   3 years, 25 days ago  
Keep the faith my peeps. MM still on a good path. If you can then just HODL. We’ll get through this.
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@Da_Truth sure, i can keep living without money i don't have, that is in MMs, so why bother to sell ... and when market hits upward trend ... well, i'll be glad i'm in game
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Hi, what do you think about the price for the next 30 days?
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@justdreamforever i think it could jump to 0,0003 BTC
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how is it possible for all the crypto to dive together ?
makes you wonder, is there such a thing as different crypto value or are all just following big daddy - bitcoin
... thinking out loud
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@RomanistHere when i open all i see is red, and what i can conclude there is very little independence between coins ...
it is great thing when ETH announce their upgrade and it jumps 10% on it's own, but when daddy BTC goes up, ETH follows, and when BTC goes down ETH has no other option than to follow ...
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@JamesHuckle "The only solution would be to have every crypto trade against a stable coin only, and remove as much liquidity out of cross-pairs as possible (BTC/ETH for example)."

but i'm looking at 24h volume, and combined volume of USDT, USDC and BUSD is pretty much the same as combined 24h volume for top 10 non stable coins ....
so maybe it doesn't make sense to me ...
i'll have to look into triangular arbitrage
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@englishmonkey it would be a killer if you would combine this poll with smart contract and actually send 1MM and wait for automatic execution sometime in future ... who knows how this smartcontract/poll could be created/executed ?
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@Tony_Manero are you proposing a new feature for metafora ? users blacklist or a simple ban ?
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MM to $100, or BTC to $100k ... which would come there first ?
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