@CryptoBackstage Stop Talking shit on my name this is proof I am 1000 time more productive than 99% of million token holders so shut up... with your "I am fudding MM" https://t.co/kXoigZiaMH
Can You do what I do please keep hating haters
Just Reached 100 Members 📈🙏💯🙌🕊All Ready to be educated on #MillionToken https://t.co/f7RjG4rBS6
How to become a Crypto Broker https://twitter.com/Timetraveler_v/status/1482396258753028098?t=Wx5RxsQMe3j713vTfgQgkA&s=19
@TL I did another transaction to double check if I made a mistake but it did the same thing can you help me to Understand
@TimeTraveler It looks like you are sending the tokens to the contract address... I can see the 152 tokens you sent previously.
What were you trying to do? I have only swapped tokens on polygon, just LP provisions and hodling.
@TimeTraveler I'm sorry TT, you can't reverse a transaction, and nobody can withdraw from that contract. The only thing you could do now would be to ask for donations.
@TL can you help me to get my Million Token back I send it to the Polygan contract address by mistake can you reverse the transaction it's 152 Milliontoken on Polygon
Transaction Hash: 0xa82d9f123a9b8375ecf7cdb45bea4e8587220f0820fd0f90d2801f48177d7688 https://t.co/1PdMIpbJnh
@TimeTraveler I am pretty sure TL can help you out, probably sending you the same amount directly from his own wallet. let us know how it goes mate!
Its all good bro I just watch your videos today 3 of them and you kept repeating the same if it was one time i wouldn't be concerned but Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's it's all No need for Validation not even from @TL I am just doing my part cause I am invested
@TimeTraveler Yeah, i don't care what @TL thinks either (especially cause he doesn't respond to my dm's)🤣. I'll be more mindful of your content. Life is too short man to worry about stuff like this! We need to focus on getting #milliontoken to the moon.
@TimeTraveler I hear ya bro! Tim's comment caught my eye because it was quoted retweet with a follow up reply to TL's latest video.
I did mention in my video that others were taking about it as well. I didn't mean to leave you out just some content pulls me especially as im checking twitter when im supposed to be working. I'm not trying to be malicious to you in any way. Wether it be in my personal life, work and crypto I get left out or my name isn't mentioned for recognition i just dismiss you know the impact you have on #milliontoken community. You don't need me to validate what you have done for community. Take care!
First to like a Techlead post, as a Millionaire
@TL this is what we call music NFts
When in Metafora??? https://twitter.com/Timetraveler_v/status/1480773996559966209?t=DUw-W-x-en5HPfSYCUxMTA&s=19
does metafora accept ENS integration?? dope project @techleadhd
@metashadow.eth @TL need just to hurry up to build a team cause people will copy his idea and build a team around them
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