TL said web 3 is done. Nice knowing you MF!
Reply 0 Link
Will Million Token recover? Damn right it will. Whales are waiting on the side lines ready to buy in the coming weeks.
This is your chance to stack up while you can. Million Token will be able to create new all time highs and will surpass your expectations.
Reply 8 Link
@0x8798e224defa1f0f1c207c476ec085420f89f1aa no sire if they're still waiting. Only idiots will sell below $1 off ETH 😆
Reply 0 Link
so who's taking the rein now techlead has stepped down.
Reply 0 Link
@Flock what are you goin on about?
Reply 0 Link
Is there a metafora app comin?
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What do you call this?
Reply 0 Link
Just a post. That's it, he whole post.
Reply 1 Link
After Doggy Dao's 2nd vote, the MM-SHIB pair has moved to a Woof pool where LP providers receive additional incentives in the form of "Bone" to provide liquidity - Bone is from theShibaSwap ecosystem.

LPs for MM-SHIB are currently receiving 600%+ APY ( )

MM-SHIB can remain on the next Doggy Dao vote should it continue to be top 50 in liquidity size. It is currently at 37/50. ( sort by liquidity here: )

Top LP providers can be found here:

Important to note that the second largest LP provider for MM-SHIB pool has a $2M account:

Should MM-SHIB continue to maintain it's LP size, it will continually be considered by the Doggy Dao vote and naturally, attract the yield hungry DeFi users on ShibaSwap. As a result, it will continue to create an interest to hold MM and create visibility for the token.
Reply 10 Link
@beans 600% apy? Is this real
Reply 3 Link
Whats the deal with that manipulated pos ApeCoin? How the hell people get away with this crap!
Reply 1 Link
No pump today hahaha
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Hi everyone ☺️
Reply 4 Link
MM coin will go to 0
Reply 0 Link
Guys, be careful buying MM at this price. This looks like it could be an exit pump.
You heard it here first. If I'm wrong, then you have the bragging rights to say that I was wrong. But my hunches tell me we see lower prices.
Reply 7 Link
@electronicknock I mean really risk is less than 20% I even gets $3.

Exit away I'll get 1000 for 3k you can thank me later.
Reply 1 Link
If I'm staking my mm do I need to leave 10 in my wallet for meafora?
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I'm adding to my've been warned
Reply 4 Link
What's everyone's perspective on Biden's new law on Crypto?
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@0xb69308fba4929c57ad273641dff564efa743f09b there is no new law. He just authorized committees to look into crypto and come up with recommendations.
Reply 1 Link
@DarthVader smart money is buying at these prices.
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After your amazing suggestion, I did my homework:

you can find a new chart called "Whales Evolution By Date",

it shows the amount of holders with more than > 1000 MM on a specific date.

Let me know your thoughts!

PS: Dune is magic
Reply 14 Link
@dolphin KingAwesome approves!
Reply 0 Link
Milliontoken is such a complicated project. It use to be just a token. It's very intimidating.
Reply 2 Link
@megaboy.eth hard to beleive I used to have 1000 mm now I have 10....seems like a life time has passed.
Reply 1 Link
Why do I keep coming back to this token when all it does is go down?
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