Here you can request songs for my music videos. If you hold Million tokens on the account you message from then your request gets a higher priority. If you hold more than 10 Million tokens you may also ask for a "shout out", and your name will be displayed in one of the next videos alongside your MM amount on your account, for extra flex.

Inappropriate requests and/or usernames will get ignored.
Can some please explain To me how it is possible a crypto token can be on multiple blockchains? If the token only has a certain token max supply how would the other blockchains communicate with the original tokens blockchain?
Reply 3 Link

Via bridge smart contracts. The tokens on other blockchains are not the same token, they are more like token certificates.
The bridges lock up the original tokens, and at the same time release/mint these certificate tokens of an equal amount on other blockchains. So the total amount of tokens and certificates in circulation remain the same.
These certificate tokens can be traded back to original tokens by bridging them back. I dont know if this process locks or burns or deletes the certificate token, but the effect is the same, the certificate tokens are taken out of circulation, as the originial tokens of an equal amount on their native blockchain are unlocked and released back to the circulating supply.
Reply 7 Link
Wow, a lot has changed in the 2.5 months since I last stopped in! The only way from here is UP!!! (hopefully) 🤘 😜
Reply 4 Link

At least this token has way higher upside potental now than downside potential.
We can at most go down another 83%, but logically we wont go down more than 22% from here, it's unlikely a token will drop over 98% from its all time high.

Meanwhile this tokens upside potential is unlimited, or at the very least over 1,000,000%, and it would still be below Dogecoins all time high in marketcap if it did.

Million token is a sure thing :)
Reply 3 Link
it seems that the Million pool is going to continue
Reply 6 Link
Indeed, i just confirmed my MM rewards are increasing again. It has not ended! :D
Reply 2 Link
@Twitter Yeah everytime im on Metafora hsis post is on top. Every time!
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping to push down ukrainian spam bots.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots. lol.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots. For the hundred time.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots. for two hundred time.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots. for the 300 hundred time.
Reply 0 Link
@Twitter bumping again to push down ukrainian spam bots. 400.
Reply 0 Link
Has the MM staking come to an end? Just noticed the website is showing a pool rate of 0 MM per week. If so it was great while it lasted.
Reply 4 Link

I am no longer getting MM in the pool. Either it has ended or TL is late to deposit more reward funds.
Reply 2 Link

I am happy to see him make this video. He explained his points and views very well. And i cant tell which side is right or not, just that it feels good to see more than just one side of the coin.
Reply 2 Link
What is the usecase for million token ? i think is all a joke , a crypto for millionaire that sell energy drink and coffee , rap songs REALLY ? 3 merch stores with differents logo. Nfts from Vesper but even him dont believe in Million anymore. Defipro only profitable for Techlead because i cant see how its profitable directly or indirectly for Million Token. And please dont tell me Million Is so young , it will moon , it need to take time . I think all is BS . And by the way , its supposed to be what ? a social token ? , but Million Community is the most divided crypto community with a very bad leader . Some will say , no its a meme coin, but i only see faceapp video with techlead on or astronaut lion made by a poor designer ? Where all these supposed memes for this coin ? I think TL launched this coin just for using the liquidity pool on uniswap, because of these high returns. Metafora usecase ? profitable for who ? i only see Million Hodler shilling and fighting the coin. Please somebody , explain me
Reply 7 Link

It's been 8 months. 8 months is super short term. You can try and convince yourself you are right now and wrong before. But dont be surprised when everything turns around in a few years and price catches up to its real value.

I will keep buying Million token. It's physically impossible that the token remains this low forever, because my tokens are worth way more once i bought them, because i aint selling for cheap.
Reply 4 Link

Yeah. Worst case we will take over this token and build on it ourselves.

Our positions increase, Techleads position decreaes (via Million pool).
Reply 4 Link
@electronicknock Thats not what i mean. I meant that when i buy a token it transfers in value. I buy a token for $6 now. But the soon it enters my wallet its worth $1000. Because i aint selling that token under that. And yes sure the market price dont exactly reflect the real value of my tokens.. yet. But it will. Because the more weak hands sell their tokens, the more strong hands like me will get them, and not sell until $1000. So there you have it, tokens in my wallet are by defacto worth over $1000 right now.
Reply 3 Link
@electronicknock If it hits $1000 in my lifetime i am set for life. I dont need to try and maximize by sniping other investment opportunities in between. All i need to do is buy and hold. And my deterministic mindset it only dangerous if i would be spending money i cant afford to lose.
I can afford Million going to zero. I am all good.
Reply 3 Link

A project of Million Token. FAQ