@dolphin, if you're the amazing developer of the MM dashboard on dune analytics, can you also add a section that looks at the amount (and % of MM) on exchanges?
This would include all MM in liquidity pools (ie. on DEXs) and all the MM on CEXs.

This is a really useful measure to determine how likely we are to pump.
Historically, if we're around 20% or more, it means we're bearish.
Last I checked Nansen, there was around 21% on exchanges which justifies the bearish trends.

The lower the value, the more likely we are to see a supply shock.

What do you think?

Reply 3 Link
@electronicknock add a section showing all the profit different made.. show people the truth. 2% of people make money from MM, as is the plan. 98% are stagnant, as is the plan.
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