Uncensored isn't necessarily better.
Fake news and false allegations can be dangerous. Falsehood is dangerous.
Imagine being at a theater and someone yelling fire! That's what the lack of censorship does.
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@electronicknock uncensored is freedom. I think a platform that is uncensored is a huge opportunity and maybe in the future we could have a dislike button that could be used as a governance button. So unlike other platforms where dislikes get you more traffic with equals more revenue. It could act as a blocking feature.

For example if your likes to dislikes ratio is low less and less people see your content.
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@Flock It's not censorship free. Go post a porn post from Twitter and share it here. Admins will delete it very quickly. This has more censorship than Twitter. Same goes for anything the admin finds too politically charged, racist, gay (a few admins are really anti-lbgti), etc.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ