can't fight the moonlight
Happy Birthday $MM

What a journey!
Reply 9 Link
Is there any video about LUNA crash from TL lately?
I just want to hear his analytics.
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Elon should buy Metafora too
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When all BTC are mined how do miners earn the mining fee?
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@0xb69308fba4929c57ad273641dff564efa743f09b they are using their resources to help verifying transaction so the processing fees are returned to them.
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Funny last week it was going to 1 now this week it's a pump and dump, but no one is saying it's up 650% from launch I say it's a success !
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@JamesHuckle at this rate i go for 25th Mar
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@okezebasil01 the vibe is like the first two weeks after the token debut
Reply 6 Link
looks like $10 is still a challenge.
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@speculationhill.eth today MM is FIREEE... so my assets go above $1000 now and i already upvoted urs
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what is going on with MM today?
Reply 2 Link
MM coin will go to 0
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@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 there was a guy said a month ago that this token were going under $4 in few weeks. where is he now?
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Wen jacuzzi moon party?
Reply 8 Link
@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 still worth waiting... i plan to retire on that period anyway.
Reply 1 Link

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