
Don't we control 15-20% of the supply already?
I think it would be a really bad sign if the community didn't already own 150-200K tokens.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if TL were simultaneously distributing his bags while also reaccumulating.

I think what would be poetic is if he reabsorbed the supply, only to "re-launch the coin at a similar price". Of course the momentum wouldn't be there since there's nothing to spur people buying it in the absence of a major catalyst (getting 30% off on DeFi pro or whatever still doesn't justify additional demand), and it would have to organically accumulate for months on end if not years.
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@electronicknock Yes, that's 15-20% just for myself + clients. It is hard to know exactly how many MM TL owns (secret wallets, etc), but it's easy to calculate that he is giving away 5% of the total supply every year with the staking contract as it stands. Most will assume that within 2-years TL will officially have only a nominal amount left (<1000MM).
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