We're off to a great start! If you want to help, let's get Metafora trending on Google SEO.
Google the words "web 3 social network metafora" and click on the first link to help boost our search rankings!
Reply 105
@TL why not create a selenium bot that uses a patched version of the chromedriver and a bunch of google accounts and proxy IPs to do the googling in a random human interval fashion, generating user metric signal?
Reply 3 Link
@TL I just watched your video. This concept is so neat! Logging in was so easy, and I can't wait for more Web 3.0 social media sites to take off! Thank you!
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@TL doing that every day 💪🦁
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@TL Hey man,
I wondered what's the purpose of this project.
You just use a wallet signature as the login token and nothing else is changed.
The data is still on your centralized server and we are not posting or storing anything onto the blockchain.
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@0xa8fa3b1cedfc9768cc4d6a4db0c91fdc4f11aa50 A lot has changed and you just said it. No email or KYC required. Legendary.
Reply 1 Link
@TL Sir yes sir! Complete!
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@TL Rinse and repeat. Check
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A project of Million Token. FAQ