"Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep." If we dip, we gain more holders, we recoup, and continue pushing forward. If you don't have the stomach for a rollercoaster ride, take some off the table and keep it fun for yourself. But the world knows about Million now, all we have to do is just hold and we will win.
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@0x8798e224defa1f0f1c207c476ec085420f89f1aa holders is basically flatline for months, can't get out of the 20k range, this isn't a rollercoaster - that implies the price is going up. Its a car ride, and the car is moving until the gas runs out.

Million is a an almost dead, worthless Token. It has no utility, its a carbon copy of the eth contract. The founder has privated all his videos on the crypto. Its controlled by a small number of people intent on killing on.
Pull your money out and go into something that will perform in a bull run, like BTC.
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@0x041b8cb7ad408b233b099c85dfb7f7d0cfe8218b Looking at the charts, Million Token does indeed look dead when we zoom out. But if you bought Million Token around these prices. Your best bet is to hold it and see what happens during the next bull market.
This is the risk we all take no matter you put your money in.
There is just as much risk, putting your money in higher caps than low caps, anything can happen.
When the bull market comes everything is going to pump so it is good to diversify a bit. Get some Bitcoin and get some Alt coins.
I wont be selling my Million Token I am going to continue to buy more because it is money I am willing to lose and I am still keeping it fun.
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@0x041b8cb7ad408b233b099c85dfb7f7d0cfe8218b All Crypto even higher caps like Bitcoin and ETH are somewhat Price Manipulated by the mega rich whales. You could say Million Token is Manipulated by small whales.
There is no right or wrong what you put your money in.
Just find one you like and put some money in.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ