I’ve always wonder if the community complained about the original million logo and this logo is a motivation killer for techlead and he just takes it on the chin for DEFI sake. Honestly I think the time it takes to change something like a logo is time wasted how about focusing on functionality usability.

Don’t make the creator lose motivation for the project.
Reply 2
@Flock I also wonder how he felt/feels but that was before proper governance and that change was forced through by Diablo without any real discussion. That's why I think he should still be able to choose between the community's 2 favourite options as it's his baby at the end of the day. For metafora the community did the designs and really simplified the logo decision for TL so that he can focus on his portion and leave branding to people who don't choose stock images as logos so that he can quickly jump into making the project functional, as he did. We are unable to put any paid marketing behind this current logo as we will need to lose it very soon or be called out for being cheap and unoriginal. Might as well get the logo right while the functionality is being built out.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ