Work harder. Seems like a lot of folks in this space could use this advice.
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@0xe6eeaf017fde806c78929b07b6bec670cc7c9149 you see, I think most of the people hanging around are ones that consider their future from the point of view where they don't do nothing and become very wealthy. For example making a lot of money on the next dogecoin.

For now it's like a intellectual casino, because there is still a gap for a lot of people about crypto wallets, markets and so on. But there are more and more "NextBabyShibaToken" things where a lot of guys will lose their money. Because people who are intellectual (and selfish) enough are making money on them in a 100% way - by selling them a dream of being wealthy. Just like it always in the history was.

Everyone, REMEMBER: putting your money in any crypto is just a roulette. Max chance to win (objectively) is lower than 50%. Means most of us will lose it, though there are always be the lucky ones.
Reply 1
@RomanistHere Totally agree. And, there's nothing wrong if someone uses this medium as means of entertainment, and chooses to spend money that way.

Mind you, I used to build gambling software, and tend to see the same behavior.

The problem starts when those that don't have a spare buck, come in and spend that which they couldn't afford to lose.

I don't want to turn this into an "OK, boomer" post, but it's no wonder why there are so many broke ex lottery winners. I'm of the belief that if you didn't earn something more-less the hard way, you'll have a harder time of appreciating it.
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