


If you want, you can leave a moon bag, that could moon in ~1-2+ years. And just check on-chain data to see if anything has changed and

For now, one of the only smart people in MM is @JamesHuckle, and I feel like he actually made a huge mistake going balls deep, and even that is probably just a small fraction of his portfolio. And I bet you, if he could dump his bags without huge slippage and move the money elsewhere, he would. But he just sees it as a VERY long-term play ie. years for it to materialize

He might be averaging down.
But in my opinion, money is better invested elsewhere in the short to medium-term. I think MM can still go lower, or at best move sideways from here for a looooooooooong time if it's not dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, and I'll share what I can.

Take care FREN!
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@electronicknock Thanks mate, you are spot on about my/our position. I expected more communication and collaboration from TL, as well as a vision to build something larger than himself - but I have thus far been proven wrong.

However, TL remains one of the larger influencers backing and building on a coin, which is valuable, and he does still possess the ability (not sure about the willingness) to build something magical, which again, is valuable

I absolutely am averaging down, because frankly when we control 15-20% of the supply we are in a position to perhaps spin this project into something great if TL really has given up (which I don't think he has for one second, he's just focused on making a shit ton of money from Defi pro, highlighting his business acumen, which again is valuable!)

Of course, if I could wind back time and buy everything at $5 then I would! Importantly, I do still believe in TL and MM but the price has clearly demonstrated that our timing was wrong.
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Yeah. Worst case we will take over this token and build on it ourselves.

Our positions increase, Techleads position decreaes (via Million pool).
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Don't we control 15-20% of the supply already?
I think it would be a really bad sign if the community didn't already own 150-200K tokens.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if TL were simultaneously distributing his bags while also reaccumulating.

I think what would be poetic is if he reabsorbed the supply, only to "re-launch the coin at a similar price". Of course the momentum wouldn't be there since there's nothing to spur people buying it in the absence of a major catalyst (getting 30% off on DeFi pro or whatever still doesn't justify additional demand), and it would have to organically accumulate for months on end if not years.
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