@RomanistHere Yeah, a bit of work from TL could drastically improve this app. In your opinion why he is not working on improving this app?
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@dolphin he launched it, hoping for success. It didn't come, there is no money from it so he abandoned it for now (remember when you last saw his post or comment?). So for now there is basically nothing in it for TL.

If it will become popular in the future, with web3 standards growing, he will return back to get some profit as "the creator".

Watch one of his videos where he talks about his past pet projects (he's done social network as well), he made them and then abandoned and stopped the support.

I think it's mistake to not make it open-source, because we could improve the app ourselves, it's really easy. But I think TL just doesn't want critics on his web/programming/architecture (underline needed one) skills.

That's my theory.

Of course, he can be preparing massive launch/rework - but the fact that he didn't improve some things that can be done in 2 hours and would be very handy tells me that he's done with it for now.
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@RomanistHere what you say is very true. This is probably a side project to try out a few web3 technologies, nothing more, but still, kind of interesting that we are still here
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A project of Million Token. FAQ