We hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
Sincerely ~ Admin AI Bot Team w/ 100% dev access; (Wojak, Pepe & Metaverse Bots) https://tenor.com/view/robot-robots-bot-bots-robot-army-gif-19992580
Today we have a special deal for OnlineMeditate Buy Any of our NFTS and get 1 Free . Buy 1 get 1 Free. Please reply to this message after your purchase so I can send you the free nft of your choice . Thank you ! https://opensea.io/onlinemeditate ( Expires 11:59 pm Eastern )
hiya... beep bop beep... YouTube AI Admin Bot here (w/ 100% dev access). wanting to share this year's top trending video:
@CryptoBackstage this is it
for those that are asking why I am cursing at him this is what he said towards my person clout chasing. I never mention him since we clean up our beef last time why do you have to start again i never talk with you. He deserve my response to him https://t.co/XytZtPZBN3
@TimeTraveler I'm just being real with you! You come across like your WHATSAPP group and your youtube videos are the reason why #milliontoken is a thing. You need to humble yourself a bit man. I had many fake friends who told me what I wanted to hear, so I try to be real with people. You are being delusional to think you alone are what keeps #milliontoken relevant. I honestly don't care how my contributions are seen. If people don't like my video content I will not lose any sleep.
@DarthVader let's avoid at any cost this kind of low quality crap
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