gee80   ·   3 years, 11 days ago  
@TimeTraveler bruddah, you were a well liked person but these days you are in the need to do some self reflection...everyone makes mistakes...even the Time Traveler makes mistakes...Admit you made a mistake's the only way bruddah...
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Funny but still some minors don't have enough life experience to deal with that.
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@TimeTraveler I'm just being real with you! You come across like your WHATSAPP group and your youtube videos are the reason why #milliontoken is a thing. You need to humble yourself a bit man. I had many fake friends who told me what I wanted to hear, so I try to be real with people. You are being delusional to think you alone are what keeps #milliontoken relevant. I honestly don't care how my contributions are seen. If people don't like my video content I will not lose any sleep.
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@CryptoBackstage The influencer drama between you and TT is one of the better usecases for mm. Lol. And why are you calling TT delusional when he has the power to time Travel and see the future??
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@DarthVader he should've traveled back and got his MM back
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@TimeTraveler porn eyes! you forgot to add that part mr. porn eyes..haha
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