@SkepticGhostHunting The kid was probably sleeping when you went down there :P btw what's the flashlight you used in the video?
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@SkepticGhostHunting Very good point haha
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@Flock being mean could be a way to realese some bad vibes. Hopefully he will feel better afterwards.
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@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 How are you doing over there? Your week going alright?
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@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 I'm happy that you are succeeding at your investments. I just start a new job, and it as been awesome! I saw some tweets about a small pump, but nothing special to bother about. Enjoy your weekend mate
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@0x2560441287f1b59fa3cf101dc25dbb0ace355673 relax man, you don't need to try so hard to be a troll lol
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@Flock specially now in the winter I just cycle everywhere. Or worst case take the tube.
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I would love to try that!! Looks really cool!
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@0x7b0a2b9e2117d2cd899bcb8d281ce2138ef9fbe5 Awesome thanks !! 👌But will try on something else before I do it in my hand 😂
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Would be possible to use blockchain technology to sign a contract? Like I would write a contract, included other digital wallets, and when each wallet signs would get recorded on the blockchain. I guess this is possible right?
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Today (jan 2) is the last day for the free option to play Million token NFT Treasure trails game on Opensea.
So far 16 wallets have started step 1.
7 wallets on step 2.
7 wallets on step 3.
6 wallets on step 4.
6 wallets on step 5.
6 wallets on step 6.
6 wallets on step 7.
2 wallets on step 8.
0 wallets on step 9.
0 wallets on step 10.
0 wallets finished.

3 MM on polygon network prize for the first wallet to finish still up for the taking. This game along with the prizes will still be up and running even after the free option ends after today.
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@Wiwy really cool iniciative👏👏 I will have a go at it 👌
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@Tux I have been using Transak to buy Matic from fiat, and so far I dont have any complains, really smooth experience.
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Wishes of a healthy and preposterous New Year to all MM community!
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What is everyone doing for New Year’s Day? Remember to stop by the Million Token Discord and VOTE for the NEW Metafora logo ! See profile for Discord link. The winning artist will receive 20 MM tokens! Imagine ATH X 20MM!!! Anything is achievable for Million in 2022! 🚀🎯🌙
Reply 6 Link
@Simonsaysz really awesome ideas coming out of the community! At this point really hard to choose only logo over the others
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Ideas for an automatic new posts notification? I'm not really into having to updated the page just to see if there any new posts ...
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hello web3 i doing this right?
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@0xdba4a971ea32ca316f96d554bb55ac4fc1bf5727 Welcome ! get your own username while its easy
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@Jesus Hello Jesus, how was you birthday? had lots of fun?
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