I know @TL is a busy man, but it would be cool to see patch notes of features that are released to metafora. I am actually starting to see some sort of algorithm that shows posts that are relative to me (posts I've liked and posts I have commented on) rather than the most current posts which is cool.
super impressed with @NFTDailyNews videos on MM - makes me very bullish :)
This is valuable analysis! I know you said you don't think Cardano is going to "make it", but this video really strengthens my conviction about ADA. 3rd generation blockains that are interoperable with all other chains is the final frontier for data-custody. In the end, whether I belong to the NFT or vice versa is semantics, the important part is connecting the data points. I need an app that displays my NFTs across all chains. Will you make this for me? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1PSvqho8UE
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