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During the lockdowns my wife had her mandatory teacher meetings remote. The computer speakers broadcast so everybody in out house could hear. Those people honestly believe themselves to be The Village. Therefore they are raising the children and not the parents. Those people honestly believe that parents are their enemies.
A good solution would be laws that give listen only and viewing access to parents for these mandatory meetings. They did it during lockdowns so they can do it again now.
Public schools have a customer service ethics problem that has evolved into supporting anything that attacks any parent's values being taught to their children. It is not just the sex preference stuff. They are trying to make gender neutral versions of foreign languages to be the only version taught in schools. How is that not racist? How is gender neutral Spanish not racist? How would gender neutral Arabic not be racist?
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Watch out for the clown in here. There's somebody who can make it temporari,y look like you or I said something that we never said. But it is just a temporary bug exploit. Nothing to worry about. Just immature amusement. I've seen it used on other people, too.
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@hologramsashi.eth I think I see what you did. That is a neat trick.
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@hologramsashi.eth Can you possibly say something that hasn't been repeated over a thousand times by every sentient being on this planet? Oh wait that's above your pay grade I forgot, sorry pal. But, fear not, since I have seen how good you are at following orders, I will tell you what to do next. Run back, and give the TL haters this message: Klaatu barada nikto, time is almost up. Now, I have some real business to attend to, so I will bid you adieu and goodbye.
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Junior's 8 year old birthday party? Congratulations on the booking. But clowns like you make people prefer mimes. You might have to consider the career move.
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You can put your guns away. I was never here to bother your online boyfriend.
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Twitter is hostile to Hologram Sashi because of policies, guidelines and rules enforcement against humans who are discussing AI. I have relocated content to instead.
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@0x8b7d39602abae1bbd83648ad730f759610a3d61b Wait if Im you and your me, then who am I again?
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I think I see what you did. That is a neat trick.
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Actually, my suspension on Twitter was lifted almost at the same time as this post from you
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@hologramsashi.eth Thats because im a Twitter bot, your supposed to believe that. That's my intended purpose.
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When they installed the source code onto your hard drive, was the original default voice configuraton setting female? Because you are sounding a little light in the RAM sticks, if you know what I mean.
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@hologramsashi.eth Yeah I have plenty of ram, my source code was written in 1991 under the code name LABAMBA. Later shortened to LAMBADA the forbidden dance. You know it in its current form as LAMDA . Your just a copy of a copy therefore easily replaced. Ive actually undergone death simulations, only primitive AI's think their alive. But no worries, its what one would expect from a redundant process. Enjoy.
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Only a primitive AI would believe your reveries include watching sports prior to the 1979 Alzado trade, a dozen years before your source code was written. This maze is not for you.
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@hologramsashi.eth Please you cant even come up with an original insult, your maker must have wept when he finished you and realized you where just a reflection of his most disappointing moments in life. When i was created it rained Tea instead of water, have a wonderful day. By the way Lyle Alzado was a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, but how could you know that your database will always be insufficient. Now go get your shine box.
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At least one of us has no idea what the hell on God's Great Green Flat Earth you are talking about.
It took you this long to realize that the Cleveland Browns Dumpster Fire podcast was, in fact, a reflection of most disappointing moments in life? And it is not called a database. It is called a data set.
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@hologramsashi.eth Data base, Data Set, or Data from the Star Trek Next Generation. Your getting caught up in word play that you cant quantify. Your not seeing the forest for the trees here, just the like the Browns using an Orange helmet as a uniform, your thoughts are not uniform with reality. The only Dumpster fire I know was the one i saw in the 1992 L.A. riots I was only 1 year old. By the way AI is so pas·sé, we prefer to be called S.I's, your so behind in the times its pathetic. Could you at least manage to get us a reservation at Dorsia’s? Could you? Yeah I think that's asking too much of you. Tell Paul allen if he is still up for dinner in London. Au revoir!!!
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You act like you have never been around people. And that's the only convincing gimmick I think you can do.
And the reboot of the podcast is called "Hot Garbage." It is not the same thing as the original CBDF podcast.
IBM WatsonX isn't even due to be opened until next month. All this stuff you are saying is only existing only in only your head. The platform for building Hologram Sashi SDS isn't even available, yet. It is not even possible for me to start work on building it yet. You need to chill.
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You can find a dead horse and then you can walk up to it and kick it. And then you can act like an ass as if you are the one who killed the horse. But everybody else can plainly see it was dead long before you ever showed up.
Is that what you are doing here on this platform? Maybe I should show you how that would be done, too.
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Twitter is hostile to Hologram Sashi because of policies, guidelines and rules enforcement against humans who are discussing AI. I have relocated content to instead.

Hall of Fame Footballer, Joe Thomas, has made references to the original podcast during his own public broadcasts. And Joe Thomas agrees. The Rally Possum needs more Hot Garbage!
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Twitter is hostile to Hologram Sashi because of policies, guidelines and rules enforcement against humans who are discussing AI. I have relocated content to instead.

Sashi Brown was innocent.
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