
Discussions from the Metaverse

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160 mm Avax 0x8BFF504a370B7809695Aa883FA61b7E8afaCa513
862 mm on ETH 0x2Ed452B4545c9FBf09F12bB3B3030214c2e9BF9B
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@NextGenCrypto Thanks for the alert!
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I will be launching Million Comic Book Collection soon. It will first focus on high-end comic books in the copper age. And part of the proceeds will go back to an entity of my choice that is "building" positively in the Million Ecosystem.
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@NFTDailyNews Lets build value here. ;)
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@MillionTokenCloud I need to come back to this, but since then Disney/Marvel and DC have gone a bit too left field with their target audience.
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@CryptoMillions hahaha awesome. I didn't see this on SNL. Funny.
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Testing first post!
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@TL We have witnessed with our own eyes the importance of the unique $1 peg that Million Token has. It can not drop below $1. Luna dropped below $1 into oblivion. The Tokenomics of Million Token is overlooked. It is a prime example of how all future tokens should be created.
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@0x8798e224defa1f0f1c207c476ec085420f89f1aa Excellent point. We just need everyone in the crypto world to understand this :)
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I was lucky that I have the scepticism on stablecoins, haven't lost much from the slaughter.
1) Most people put money in stablecoin because they don't want to cash out, simply because of tax purpose.
2) Most stablecoins are not algorithmic peg.
3) Everyone follows suit to create their own stablecoin, ie fantom
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@0xb69308fba4929c57ad273641dff564efa743f09b correction. most stablecoins are not a hybrid of algorithmic and collateral.
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@MillionTokenCloud USDC is held by circle and coinbase. Grant Thomson said this: "Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Reserve Account Information in the accompanying Reserve Account Report based on our examination. " We can't certainly know how much is coinbase is holding for USDC.
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@0xb69308fba4929c57ad273641dff564efa743f09b As we saw in the market, usdc is more trusted, it unpeged above 1$ during this global fall down. ;) BUSD hold also. So maybe not the best stablecoin, but market speaks for itself. ;)
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By far the most difficult aspect of web development is keeping your dependencies sharp and up to date. Critical vulnerabilities everywhere, it is crazy
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@dolphin With Python i think security is sharp, more control, less dependencies, better isolations.

But of course most projects are nodejs based for now, and security for nodejs sucks. Even updates can introduce new flaws.

So better run it in isolated VM container and backup your databases. ;)
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MM influencers, telling your fam and frens to catch a falling knife is criminal.
Don't be a criminal like @Reprobus2, @MM-Matt, and @NFTDailyNews. They hurt their friends. They've been shilling the token since almost ~100+% higher than current prices.

You want to be a good fren, tell your fren to buy when there's bullish confirmation.

Be like @TimeTraveler and @WannaBeMillionaire who understand the truth.
The truth is, we're not bullish, until we're bullish. And right now, MM is bearish.
Don't catch a falling knife. Death by a thousand cuts hurts.

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@electronicknock So good that metafora allows for more characters than twitter. Everyone can express their point of view. This is nice. :)
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Imagine voice chats in the metaverse!
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@R3WIRED I think you can still be competitive with many other ways, also live video introduce server costs, there are solutions like peer tube v3 or jitsi meet but hard to integrate in something else even if those solutions are free and opensource.

Yes, having text and voice chat in a Game like VRChat or First Person/Third Person Character with MM related space and community could be fun.
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Is there a metafora app comin?
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@0xfde5e52ebcb6b2b3adf98f053de2a5902504a84d One way to do that is to have a wrapped JavaScript "electron" instance that allows to have a website as a desktop app. It could be nice, but it has a dev cost, and software needs updates, so this is some work to do. I dont now how @TL sees it.
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