@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 It's not about them. MM is decentralized. No one can stop us from making the fortune ourselves.

However, I trust TL, that's why I ready to spend some money on this.
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@RomanistHere It only takes a single person with enough holding to impact the price. You've got two in this case - Kelly and TL.
Clearly doesn't matter what I say. You trust TL.
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 It's no secret they have controlled the price for months. The Cult of TL does not care.
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 I trust him enough to understand that he will rather be the creator of on of the "pricest" coins in the world than gain a few million bucks on the manipulations and see his creation going down. This is the trust. Not a blind one
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