@RomanistHere _ I can see tones of communism around europe and took is as a fact. Going back to token I personally backup ideas of organic growth instead of hype. Simply good things doesn`t need hype because they are good and it`s even better to buy them cheaper in most of the cases which is my point. So no stearing friends - just give the TL a chance to be just himself. It`s more than enough in my feeling.
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@0xe0aac13ae07a44794815c1ff003d1c0ecb05998e I see, it's okay.

One note: there is no such thing as "ogranic growth". Most of ups and downs are reactions to some events. Part of them is "synthetically" created by pumpers and dumpers or whatever you called it. Some are not, but if we decide to "pump" for example, how the price reacts - is gonna be organic anyway.

So there is no "ogranic growth" because every movement is ogranic. We can't have it not-ogranic once the community is more than a few fellows. Think about it:)
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@RomanistHere _ Let me be more clear. I categorically want to avoid MM being pumped by either paid or non paid influencers. Let just Patrick work his own way. Full stop.
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