Wiwy   ·   3 years, 3 days ago  

Whats so difficult about that? Just crash the plane and it is bound to enter that low flying range eventually, just aim at the building, it's huge and impossible to miss.
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@OGweb3 I think it hit the ground just before impact.
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OGweb3   ·   3 years, 3 days ago  
@Wiwy evidently you are beyond stupid
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OGweb3   ·   3 years, 3 days ago  
@DarthVader How come there was no crater from impact?
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@OGweb3 why would there be a crater? Not saying it went straight down. Look at crash landing sites. There aren’t always craters. It’s not like a meteor
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Wiwy   ·   3 years, 3 days ago  

That still makes me about 9000 times smarter than you, evidently.
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@OGweb3 I was in DC at the time. It never made sense to me that day.

1. That part of the Pentagon was empty.
2. Most work is done underground in that building. Its a mini-mega city.
3. Its heavily guarded. Surprised their missiles systems were not working.
4. With all the footage, no real clear view of the airplane hitting.

With all the intel the "criminals" had there are targets in that area that would have made more sense from actual population and devastation.
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