@Tony_Manero I'm pretty happy with this result
Reply 6 Link
@Reprobus2 I’m just surprised cuz it was losing last I checked. I think it will be a nice fit.
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@Tony_Manero @R3WIRED long live the chat logo
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@Tony_Manero yep same, it didn't look like it would be the winner tbh
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@Tony_Manero not happy about this at all. Why rebrand something that hasn't been fully tested. We will never know if the original metafora was a winner just like we will never know if the original moon logo would have worked. This is a huge set back. @TL needs to veto and or ignore this as he's done to other proposals.
Reply 4 Link
@CryptoBackstage I hear you man. I like the paper lion too. However, @TL put the vote up. It might look kind of funny if he vetoes his own proposal Lols.
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@CryptoBackstage Couldn't one MM holder have multiple votes simply by having multiple wallets?
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@CryptoBackstage I disagree, moving to a unique logo instead of one that is used by other businesses cannot be a step back.

If @TL ignores the vote then it makes a mockery of the governance system. Why have governance if it will simply be ignored.

Give the new logo time I'm sure it will grow on you, it did with me.
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@CryptoMillions I think votes are based on how the amount off MM the wallet holds so the number of wallets don't matter but how much MM you have.
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@Android what if you are staking?
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@Tony_Manero Both logos are good. The issue is possibly that people have already grown accustomed to the original logo.
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At first glance, I thought the chat logo was a bull lol
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Which would be ironic because that would mean MM is too centralized haha
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@CryptoMillions the bigger issue is if governance is ignored. Modern social tokens use governance to make big decisions. Even utility coins like Uniswap and Ampleforth rely on governance.
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@Tony_Manero I like the current one, but if everyone else likes the other one let's get it
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@CryptoMillions I am staking, but my votes counted for all the MM I own. However, it did not count the MM that I am being rewarded since I technically don't own them until I withdraw.
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