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After Doggy Dao's 2nd vote, the MM-SHIB pair has moved to a Woof pool where LP providers receive additional incentives in the form of "Bone" to provide liquidity - Bone is from theShibaSwap ecosystem.
LPs for MM-SHIB are currently receiving 600%+ APY ( https://analytics.shibaswap.com/pools ) MM-SHIB can remain on the next Doggy Dao vote should it continue to be top 50 in liquidity size. It is currently at 37/50. ( sort by liquidity here: https://analytics.shibaswap.com/pairs ) Top LP providers can be found here: https://analytics.shibaswap.com/pools/47 Important to note that the second largest LP provider for MM-SHIB pool has a $2M account: https://debank.com/profile/0x7670a0f037eb38bf4b9d45a538bf9f1f97fc380e Should MM-SHIB continue to maintain it's LP size, it will continually be considered by the Doggy Dao vote and naturally, attract the yield hungry DeFi users on ShibaSwap. As a result, it will continue to create an interest to hold MM and create visibility for the token.
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