Imagine voice chats in the metaverse!
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MFS   ·   3 years, 26 days ago  
@BankHead video chat - great idea ❤
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@BankHead yea definitely!

@TL should definitely add these features. It's the only way to be competitive.

TL needs to add voice chat and live chat. Even misol did it and it's fantastic.

I'm not hating I know he has more planned for metafora & million. I would love to see these features because our main population lives in discord.

In conclusion discord is still more compelling atm them metafora and I would love to see that change.
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@R3WIRED I think you can still be competitive with many other ways, also live video introduce server costs, there are solutions like peer tube v3 or jitsi meet but hard to integrate in something else even if those solutions are free and opensource.

Yes, having text and voice chat in a Game like VRChat or First Person/Third Person Character with MM related space and community could be fun.
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