gm people.

We are almost 1000 verified users on Metafora.

This means at least 10'000 MM are at work within Metafora.

10'000 is the 0.01% of the total MM supply!

Then we can include also the 295'707 MM currently on the stacking pool on Ethereum.

Then we can include also the 16'187 MM currently on Quickswap pool.

So roughly speaking, the 32% of the supply is actually frozen somewhere.

Well done @TL

Follow me and I'll follow back.
Reply 11 Link
bopos   ·   3 years, 2 days ago  
@dolphin 10,000MM is 1% of 1 million total supply
Reply 2
@bopos true, damn such a mistake i did, it will be stored forever on this app shaming me for the rest of my life. thanks for clarifying
Reply 1 Link
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