Metafore Improvement Proposal - 001

Micro Tipping Feature
1. Any user can post content with or without ID
2. Any user who has staked a minimum of 100 MM can start microtipping.
3. 1 microtip = 1/100 of an MM Token
4. Any post you can tip any number of microtips. For some post u can send 1 microtip. For other posts you can send 10 microtips if you like it more.
5. When you microtip a post its relevance will increase. And 10 other people microtip the same post, then you earn 10% of the total microtip revenue of the post for ever. The first 10 others to Microtip the same post will earn 2.5% each. 15% of the total microtips will go to the metafora foundation for marketing etc. 50% of all the microtips will be reflected in the account of the original poster. The microtips will be only reflected in the account and can be withdrawed occasionally as and when the user can pay the gas fees. otherwise it is settled when the MM is unstaked.
Continued in comments.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ