@Wiwy to support what you said,, everyone deserves username for a clean metafora experience, but other restriction should remain the same unless you have have 10MM, for verified badge 50+ MM required.
Reply 5 Link
@247cryptomoney The reason i still think all the most basic features also should be 1 MM is because it would not be as tempting to sell when price skyrockets. If we get lets say 50K metafora users all with 1 MM only for Metafora purposes, then we can be almost guaranteed that a large % of them will diamond hand through 2x, 3x, 5x maybe even 10x and 20x. So we get less dumpers as price start to go up, logically, i think.

I am however all for increased special features for those with bigger holdings.
Reply 3
@Wiwy you have a great point there, supported
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