this is definitely one of the most underrated projects in the web3/metaverse that's utilizing crypto in practical ways.
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@0x259706e327ff608524b8e96e96ca344ac3ed2878 its just a tiny version of Twitter. The admins here use deletes and bans more than Twitter does. Avoid at all costs imo.
Reply 0
@0x5d0f44d92ec0c02af2093d7f003d7ee0dd11f687 there's no admins in metafora 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀
Reply 2 Link
It is the web 3 version of twitter. Do you think twitter had all the users it does right away? no...

I know people can delete their own posts, but I don't think I have heard anyone saying anything they have posted being removed so far.

P.S. you are telling people to avoid something that you yourself are not avoiding??? seems a bit hypocritical... no?
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A project of Million Token. FAQ