I’ve been too busy to post on here, so today I finally did. I do follow misol and time travelers videos best I can. So I’m not sure if I’m in the know more than others. But here’s what I think million token needs. We need at least a few development teams. One to focus on the crypto roadmap stuff. A second one to work on meta fora app. Then we need to open this code up so that there’s more people contributing to the project than just tech lead. IMO we have to be first to market with the metafora app, which means we need to get it pretty much completed asap. Then we have something no other coin has. The real question I have is how does web 3 social media site make money? If this answer is it doesn’t, then I would sell my tokens. However, I remember when fb went public and people said how does fb make money. Then it turned out just having eyes and ears makes ad money. So this is our chance to be in on early fb, and people are losing site of that. We just need to improve the product and then the big m
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@0xae07d0d7da0b34707acfb225c1400649c1f30112 no one really understands what web3 is right now. web2 strategies (like FB's one you mentioned) isn't gonna work if we don't wont it to be an ugly twitter clone.

It's being born right now and up to us, active people, developers to decide what the future is gonna be.
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Hey guys, I have an interesting question, don't know why I didn't thought about it earlier. We have supply of 1 000 000 coins and a lot of holders. Who are we buying from? For example I'm not going to sell my coins unless the price is measured in thousands.

So right now (as I understand) we're buying from markets, which some of guys sell to. But if we (holders) buy every single coin and stop selling, the price will increase drastically, because we will create deficit and no one will be able to buy a single MM but on our conditions.

So what I suggest is to participate in buying our coins off market. It should be done in waves. Let's imagine, we (a hundred pals) agreed to buy some more coins at the same time tomorrow. We do it -> price go up -> some of this hundred sell instantly to gain the profit, but part of the coins are in our hands. So we repeat this "wave of buying" until we (true holders) have all the coins in our hand. Now we can control the future. What do you say?
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P.S. I'm ready to spend something around 1K$ on the first wave to see the result.
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 It's not about them. MM is decentralized. No one can stop us from making the fortune ourselves.

However, I trust TL, that's why I ready to spend some money on this.
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 And also I don't know who Kelly is because I never joined the discord (or never read if joined) and I don't really care. Thing is, everyone can manipulate the price, so why won't we?
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 I trust him enough to understand that he will rather be the creator of on of the "pricest" coins in the world than gain a few million bucks on the manipulations and see his creation going down. This is the trust. Not a blind one
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It sounds like a conspiracy theory. And even if it was true, it doesn't even matter. Why just we won't buy coins off them. Not market. Who cares?
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@Wiwy I understand it. It's just ironic that everyone is waiting for "something" to happen, so they wake up tomorrow as a millioners. Instead we could theoretically become ones in a month or so. By doing.

Waves of buying will get attention and more people. It will be much more efficient way than writing "Million token something" in the Twitter profile header.
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@0xbf17c61036dbdf4bc2d5c487941ccfd9b9e51097 exactly! Random guys could do it with GameStop. Why don't our community want to do it with our own coin is a mystery for me.
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I guess everyone wants to be a millionaire but only a little group actually wants to do something to achieve it.
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@Wiwy sounds totally reasonable, however the thought itself, that if we, community, agreed on some terms and made a few ways of buying, all of us would be much more wealthier - this thought makes me think how much of the possibilities there are and how little we, humans, actually execute.
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@Wiwy you trust in others. You can buy low, but every time you buy "low" there is no guarantee that this low is not the max price from now on. It will be organic. There are hundred of examples somewhere there.

There is not much difference in your way from playing in casino. You count something, plan to invest, track your moves and learn from it - but it's all up to luck (or casino) in the end.
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@NFTDailyNews @Wiwy and others, thanks for your opinions. I find it interesting and appreciate it.
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@CryptoBuddy @DarthVader you see, I'm not for manipulating the price in the usual terms. I don't care at all if the price is going to be even x10 from now - I'm not going to sell, because people don't become wealthy this way.

I'm interested in taking all the coins off manipulators, one-time investors and other people who's here for 1 time deal to gain x2 or x10 (small) profits.

Why to be so petty, when we can go BIG. We really can, but it has to be done by the majority, so there is not much sense for me to create discord or TG "pump" group
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Hello everyone :) all of the cryptos are selling off, and the space might be cold until a true bottom is found, or the 2024 halving cycle. However, as an early holder of bitcoin that got scared and panicked when it was 300 dollars a token and I had 10 of them, I regret ever selling. This space goes up and down forever, but the fact that this coin and leash token have smaller supplies than most is why I focus on these two. We could buy every day at noon eastern us time, and start driving the price up, if patience and true growth isn’t what people are really here for, but I’m holding 250 coins at 24 dollar entry point for the long run. Unless tech lead quits working on this, we are just victims to the space. But there will be euphoria again in crypto. So relax and enjoy the ride.
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TL did what he could, the rest is up to us
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@0x3cc2f7ec7ca501c7a585b94d957b28d5cb832fa6 what is "this"? I believe our messages are stored in some database which is most likely centralized. And since messages are like 90% of metafora, I wouldn't be so fast to give an answer on this question
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Any software devs in here?

Which is your fave language/framework?
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it would be fun to have charts for at least BTC, ETC and MM somewhere on the page, anyway I think most of us are checking prices on daily basis. 24H change would do it - @TL you can also add like/dislike (buy/sell) buttons under every chart with our votes expiring after 1 hour, so it would indicate our attitude to it.

What do you think guys?
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How much of you guys have most/all of MMs in Polygon network rather than ETH? I'm curious because all I own is ETH ones and thinking of expanding to MATIC but have some concerns about safety/security.

And generally, how do we feel about these networks?
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If you could code and build a web3 project, what would you build?
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@Android I'm building something useful and not crypto-related. However after I have finished, I plan to add support for web3 and probably MM token especially, since I like and want to support it.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ