@NFTDailyNews when you are proud of what you made ..then you talk about it . HE make money with blinklist....defipro etc and talked about on every video but nothing for million because he know that he made a mistake.You said that you not losing in this process but actually some peoples that bought at higher price and believe in @TL ....these are the peoples that will get rek if they wait to long for the coin to reborn
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@Mya Yes those people bought too high. I was not there so really have to lean on your perspective. But heck I have been there on that boat on buying highs.

Metafora and Defi pro are use cases for the token. And clearly YES the dude is making money and a KILLING from Defi Pro. Defi Pro will net somewhere between $1-3 million in revenue this year. The Discord channel already has 1.5k members. And it is growing at about 100 members per week. It makes the MM community a lot attractive from a value proposition at its current market cap.

However, this should not be used as financial advice to justify the price on MM. There are always discrepancies between the value and price of an asset. It does help the MM brand. And I don't want to tell a guy how he should spend his money either.

People can copy what TL is doing. Integrate the token and build something. I am fine with them keeping the money. If its a good product, people will come. Makes MM look more attractive.
Reply 4
@NFTDailyNews And to put it into perspective, if Defi Pro ends up generating $1-$3 million in revenue this year, it would more than likely be the only low cap project around its market cap to do so. Not many projects around a $20 million market cap are generating revenue.

Again I am seeing one picture here. Also, take into account your other points being valid.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ