@MONSTERDRINK thank you.
MonsterDrink can you bring that Youtube channel back and start making videos? 13k subs is a lot in terms of big opportunity cost. Also whoever has those big Twitter accounts would be helpful too.

Maybe TL feels comfortable doing the development solo. For example, Elon Musk wrote Paypal by himself. His coders were not good.

But like Paypal we can integrate this token in so many ways. Maybe TL just wants to build the base layer/bridge and people just figure it out from there? For example mankind shaped this planet for their use with the natural resources provided.

I would still argue that you guys do not need TL to build projects on MM. And there is no problem asking for donations on the socials. Many content creators still accept donations with wallet addresses to fund their activities.

Few concerns I can think of when building on MM is to make sure the community trust you and code/service has been audited.

Else I sense TL will reads this and directions should be fort
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@NFTDailyNews Other than that I am not the type to hold my breath. If you want to build there is honestly nothing stopping anyone. Just have to make sure people in the community can trust you. From what I see in the past, there have been some questionable characters. 🤷‍♂️ But yes going back to James directions/clarity is a good thing too.
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