0x695...a57e   ยท   3 years, 8 days ago  

At least this token has way higher upside potental now than downside potential.
We can at most go down another 83%, but logically we wont go down more than 22% from here, it's unlikely a token will drop over 98% from its all time high.

Meanwhile this tokens upside potential is unlimited, or at the very least over 1,000,000%, and it would still be below Dogecoins all time high in marketcap if it did.

Million token is a sure thing :)
Reply 3 Link
0x3cd...f97e   ยท   3 years, 8 days ago  
@0x69511d33ff4209618b47ffbcfb172c374024a57e don't count onit ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Reply 1
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