@0x67771901548e3f0ca790839fd1a8f867ae113131 _good thing u have a wallet. if it`s active ask someone from ur family or colleague from country where those things are unbanned and connect his bank account with any exchange. once he can do fiat/crypto transactions for you he will be able to charge your wallet with the money you need to send him. Opposite scenario for withdrawal. There are also options to buy physical cryptos in some countries but they require travelling and tolls combinations unless you`re smart. In general if you have less than thousands of USD`s it may not be worth it. Its a wide topic in general.
Reply 4 Link
Thanks for replying man,
Sadly all my realtives are in sudan, and we're behind in tech. Of all my surrounding people arround me only me and two of my friends know about crypto because we're a little bit different than the sudanese community. But I'll keep searching for someone I know that has a relative outside of sudan who can do that for me
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