There needs to be a migration of the #MillionToken community from discord to Metafora.. if the existing hodlers don't use it, we can't expect anyone else to do it.

@TL needs to add support for easily posting gifs/giphy and emojis to brighten things up! Also polls would be nice... and maybe groups of some kind ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€
Reply 7 Link
@BankofHome I agree, however we don't want to swamp the homepage with just $MM material as we want to welcome all projects. Perhaps we could have a communities feature?
Reply 6
@Reprobus2 yeah we need a good range of discussions going and a way to filter them.. hashtags and/or community links in the sidebar or something..

Eventually people will just go to their own part of metafora and bypass the mainpage or it will be customized to each users interests automatically
Reply 6 Link
A project of Million Token. FAQ