@hamster_ball I don't know. I am iffy on trusting any LPs or pools without knowing who is backing them. Cosmos staking appears to be available on Ledger and Atom tokens can be staked on their ecosystem from what I see. Kind of annoying having tokens staked on different platforms so I get it. Gets hard to manage.

I wish many of these tokens would at least be transparent like MM and list where to stake and provide liquidity on their WEBSITE. Or what pools they officially endorse. Very annoying when one has to refer to old YouTube videos from several months ago on staking and etc.
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Yeah.... that'd be nice.

What I'm considering right now is to buy Cosmo on Coinbase Pro and then moving them to Vanilla Coinbase in order to stake them for 5% APY.
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@hamster_ball Sounds like a solid plan. This year it's just simply collecting APY and DCA for me.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ