M   ·   3 years, 28 days ago  
@TL - Write an algorithm that personalizes metafora posts for each user, so each user will see different posts on the main page - similar to the "For you" videos on tiktok.

This allows users to see posts not only the most recent or only on the main page, but allows exposures and feedback for users posting at anytime.

Users will likely to post again if they keep getting likes/replies instead of having their posts hidden in the back with no exposure.
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@M I agree and like the idea, but also think we need more adoption before it would be useful.
I keep looking for people that have issues with Twitter censorship and share Metafora with them.
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@0x1701ea853405cec3365334bbccb210a156159977 Wouldn't it be better to implement this change before the platform goes mainstream?
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