NFTDailyNews   ·   3 years ago  

Thank you for the tweet. After reading it carefully, it was very interesting, fascinating, and intriguing. However, there is a little bit of information missing here.

I can tell you that everyone here works for free. If you had staked your MM on the Million pool as Nomad Investor did, you would have earned 20% APY on your MM tokens on the Ethereum network. The MATIC LP pays Quick. The APY for that currently is at 124%. TL gave you guys options to make money here. Some of your guys failed to take advantage of it. So who's fault is it?

Also, the pool tokens on ETH do not magically come out of nowhere. TL had to put up those tokens, to begin with. There is a finite supply of those tokens which means those pool rewards will not last forever.
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A project of Million Token. FAQ